
zaterdag 16 juni 2012

Shout-Out!! Local and Online Shop list - We need your help!

Lately I'm getting the same questions on the AllAboutDeco formspring account asking me:
Are there any shops where I can buy deco in ... ?
Do you know any online shops that ship to ... ?
Since my local knowledge doesn't go further than Belgium and for Laura the UK, we had the idea of making a list gathering all the local and online shops per country/city/... where you can get deco supplies, this ranges from where you get your clay to your rhinestones to glue and other things.
If you are reading this, you can help us out!

Fill in this form and leave it at the comments below:
Online shops:
Shop name:
Shop website:
Ship to:
What to get here:

Local shops:
Shop name:
Shop website: (if applicable)
What to get here:

is there any shop or online shop in india to acquire air dry clay and tools?

Try looking around for craft shops in your neighbourhood. But I think you probably did that already. It seems there is a craft shop called Hobby Ideas in Mumbai, please check the website to see where it is
For a list with online shops, which ship to India, take a look at this list:
You can also try to ask the Deco-den community on facebook:!/groups/30667815752/

I hope this helps ^^

vrijdag 15 juni 2012

What varnish or sealant do you use for air dry clay?

I myself use the same one for polymer as for air dry clay which is Fimo gloss varnish. Mini mo wrote a great quide on different varnishes, it's a great link if you have trouble deciding which varnish/sealant to use.